"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity." ~ Gilda Radner

Friday, February 06, 2009


Smokin' hot.

Just ask my co-workers who had to endure the wafts of burned popcorn hanging heavily throughout our building this morning...

OK, so maybe I AM the last person on earth to realize that you don't REALLY heat microwave popcorn according to the directions on the bag...

I blame it on the microwave in our breakroom -- it doesn't have a "popcorn" button. So when the bag said "three minutes on high", I unknowingly obliged.

Holy 2-alarm fire, Batman!

The smoke poured out of the bag as I pulled apart the corners, and I  dashed up the steps and out the door and tossed it in the trash. But too late -- the smoky smell permeated clothes, hair, hallways...

I quickly sent out an email to all:  "Yes, that is burned popcorn you smell. The building is not on fire. Hence, the card on my bulletin board that proclaims, "Domestically Disabled". From now on, I am sticking to apples, yogurt and celery on break. I promise."

Luckily, I work with a forgiving, fun-loving group, and we all had a good chuckle...

Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Blogger chick: Thanks for not going with the obvious male put-down about men and popcorn -- it was a favorite observation from my daughter-in-law and I held my breath when I stumbled across your post with the catchy headline and and then took a big exhale when the punch line wasn't "lots of noise and always popping off!"

If we as a country can elect an African-American as president of these united states, can't we put our collective heads together and find a way to remove the stink factor from microwave popcorn? I expect more from my country.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Stink factor,indeed! It was absolutely horrible! LOL No male put-downs here, Billy...thanks for stopping by...