Damn. He caught me.
Like any Traumatized But Proud Mother Of An Only Child Leaving The Nest a mere few days before high school graduation, there I sat at the computer, sobbing.
I had just finished watching -- for the third consecutive time, against my better judgement and the advice of friends and family -- the YouTube video of Suzy Bogus singing her tear-invoking graduation classic, "Letting Go."
Worse than Pomp and Circumstance.
"She's had 18 years
To get ready for this day
She should be past the tears
But she cries some anyway..."
Suddenly, the front door flies open!
It's Daniel! At 9:25 a.m.? He must have forgotten something...
Daniel's had so much on his heart, I don't want him to find me blubbering on the last Monday of his high school career. Must be strong. Positive. Cheery.
Slowly I turn my computer chair around, attempting a smile.
But wait! What's that he's carrying??? It's white, it's...it's...His cap and gown?!?!
By the startled look on my face, one might have though he was grasping a white snake.
"Oh-ohhh, you..you've've got your cap and gown...they're white..." I stammer, stating the obvious.
"Yeah, we're all wearing white," Daniel says calmly, carefully hanging the plastic bag containing his commencement clothes on his Perfect Pull Up bar bolted to his bedroom door frame.
Our eyes meet.
Cue my streaming tears. No hiding the astonished "You really are graduating from high school Sunday, aren't you?" look at this point.
Argh. I don't want to cry in front of him. But I just can't help it.
"Gotta go!" says Daniel as he turns and bolts out the door, back to school. Probably muttering, "Sure hope Dad has the Valium stun gun fully loaded and ready..."
Actually, what he really did say after last year's graduation was, "Dad, we're gonna have to sedate Mom for graduation next year. Can Aunt Mary come early?"
Well, "next year" is here. And thankfully, Aunt Mary -- my big sister and best friend -- will be at our door bright and early Thursday morning, to help cook for the graduation party...and keep me focused.
"I can only say that it will get better. Really."
This pearl of graduation wisdom from Amy, my dear friend and former co-news hound, also the mother of an only child.
"We love our children so painfully much, and they MUST go do these wonderful things they are going to do," Amy adds, "and we adjust, because it isn't about us..."
Heavy sigh. Acceptance. Tears of joy. Tears of sadness.
Gotta loosen my grip. Give him room to fly.
It's never easy.
Letting go.